Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pretty Bitch Polish Review & Swatches

The creator of PBP graciously sent me my first Blogger Samples!
SQUEEL! I was pleasantly surprised that these were 100% one coaters for me. I've found that newer brands typically take a couple attempts to achieve that opaqueness that we all lust after!

I adore this brand due to the foulness of each polish name! Today I bring you... Nipple Clamps and Fuck Restocks LE. :)

(Nipple Clamps + Fuck Restocks LE)

I wish I had sun to show these stunning colors off! One is a truly incredible vibrant raspberry holo and the other is a "sholo" (shimmer with holo) baby pink! These glided on perfectly! Her full size bottles are etched with her logo and look extremely professional!

(I apologize for the ugly cuticles! Working my butt off for 2 weeks straight = unhealthy for my babies)

I will definitely be buying full sizes! I recommend you do too next month at her restock! XOXO

Helpful links? At your service!

Too Fancy Lacquer The Shift Chameleon

This has been by far my most wanted Too Fancy Lacquer. It's unlike any other polish I own or will ever own, I believe. I tried my best to capture as much beauty as I could without sunlight. 
One of my closest friends scored this in a restock and generously gave it up to have it sent to me!

This was a two coater, but well worth the time! It transitions from blue to purple to wine red to almost a silvery shade.  It's going to be one that I am continually trying to capture the beauty every time I apply to my nails! I do believe this shade will be making a reappearance! So keep an eye out for it! XOXO

Here are some handy dandy links to find more information on this brand:

Fun Lacquer Pocohantas + Color Club Gingerbread

I've been meaning to swatch the entire Princess Set by FUN Lacquer but haven't had an sun nor any time since I received them! But I wanted to show you guys my absolute favorite!

Pocohantas ended up being a one coater with the occasional second coat to intensify. I am not usually a "nude lover" in the polish type of thing but I fell head over heals in love with this color.

(Pocohantas Macro)

The creator has sadly decided that when the Princess polishes sell out they will not be returning. So act fast! I will try to get a full review for the entire collection out soon!

(Gingerbread Macro)

I wanted to add Gingerbread on because my boyfriend surprised me with it from my pinterest wishlist. So sweet of him! It fit perfectly with Pocohantas as well! 

In love with this manicure! Slowly but surely falling for glitter? Hmmm maybe. ;) XOXO

Some links to help you discover FUN Lacquer :)

Zoya Giovanna Review & Swatches

Long drought in the polish world for me. I am employed by Starbucks, and we are not allowed to wear nail polish. I went almost two weeks without a day off - TWO WEEKS without a complete manicure. My cuticles honestly hate me by the way due to all the dishes being washed here and at home. I didn't remember to take care of them since it's a part of my routine! Anyway, off to the actual manicure!

A coworker gifted me Zoya Giovanna today at work. (I know, I have an incredible coworker ;P) So I went ahead and swatched it for you guys!

 (Bottle shots)

(2 Coats of Zoya Giovanna)

Overall, the polish was stunning! I noticed in some lighting it turned an even more teal green to almost a true emerald. I could have definitely gotten away with one coat.

I went ahead and decided to give this a little something extra. Djinn in a Bottle by Enchanted Polish is my go-to holographic top coat. I am definitely a holo addict by the way.

(Bottle Shots)


This duo is 100% a keeper! I was really shocked with how amazing it turned out since this is only my second Zoya. I will be giving this brand a full chance in the future! Xoxo.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Princess Set was attempted to be delivered today while I was at work!

Gosh dang it import signature required. ;) On another note, I wanted to talk to you guys about some up and coming brands that I am REALLY excited to try and support!

The first one is called "Pretty Bitch Polish" and thus far is composed of cute raunchy names to follow it's brand. Here are three holos that will be a part of her launch this weekend (10/19). Polishes will be able to be purchased on:
(Photo Courtesy of PBP Owner: J Keys)
L to R: Deep Throat, Dirty Whore, and Nipple Clamps

Here is another great shot of Dirty Whore:
(Photo Courtesy of PBP Owner: J Keys)

Another brand I've been eyeballing is actually called "Avant Garde Lacquer" which sparked my interest based on the brand name alone! How cool is that name! Her polishes are currently available on

I do currently have a polish created by her in my possession that cannot be shown.
But trust me, IT IS REMARKABLE.

I won't be posting photos here due to all her website swatches being done by other bloggers and can be seen on her website. :) 

(Disclaimer: I had to use and credit unowned shots due to brands still being new/up and coming. This will not be a reoccurrence.)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I am awaiting my long lusted after FUN Lacquer Princess Set!

But I figured I would start this page off with a post! I will be posting manis and reviews hopefully daily to share with you guys! I collect brands such as Enchanted Polish, a England, Too Fancy Lacquer, FUN Lacquer, Colors by Llarowe, and hope to collect many more brands. Maybe I will even become a blogger for an up-and-coming brand! Which would be incredible! xoxo, Daily Dose of Polish!